
The core proppy package also ships with handy lifecycle functions that you can compose your props with.

Here's a small table listing equivalent lifecycle functions compared to that of React and Vue.js:

Proppy React / Preact Vue.js
withProps constructor beforeCreate
didSubscribe componentDidMount mounted
handleReceivedProps componentWillReceiveProps
shouldUpdate shouldComponentUpdate
willDestroy componentWillUnmount beforeDestroy


Will be called when Component is initialized, and meant to be used for synchronous operations only.

import { compose, withProps } from 'proppy';

const P = compose(
  withProps({ foo: 'initial value of foo' }),
  withProps((props, providers) => {
    return { bar: 'initial value of bar' };

If you are using React, this will be executed during server-side rendering as well.


Executes as soon as the first subscription to the Proppy instance has taken place.

import { compose, withState, didSubscribe } from 'proppy';

const P = compose(
  withState('counter', 'setCounter', 0),
  didSubscribe((props, providers) => {
    // set `counter` to 5 immediately

    // optionally return a function
    // that will be called when instance is destroyed
    return () => {};

If you can using React, this will not be called during server-side rendering.

This is a good place to fetch something from the server for example.


When you compose with multiple Proppy factories, you have a choice on how to pass props coming from previous factory to the next one.

import { compose, withProps, handleReceivedProps } from 'proppy';

const P = compose(
  withProps({ foo: 'foo value' }),

  // everything above this line is ignored now

  withProps({ bar: 'bar value' })

const p = P();
// {
//   bar: 'bar value'
// }

By default, all props are passed to the next factory.


This lifecycle function can be used to control whether or not to emit the props to subscribers.

Imagine you want to emit props further only if the counter value is an even number:

import { compose, withState, shouldUpdate } from 'proppy';

const P = compose(
  withState('counter', 'setCounter', 0),
  shouldUpdate((prevProps, nextProps) => {
    if (nextProps.counter % 2 === 0) {
      return true;

    // returning false will stop emitting the props further
    return false;


Will be called right before the Proppy instance is destroyed.

import { compose, withProps, willDestroy } from 'proppy';

const P = compose(
  withProps({ foo: 'foo value' }),
  willDestroy((props, providers) => {
    console.log('about to be destroyed!');